Be Super Productive with Shell AliasesOne of the most powerful tools a developer has is Shell/Terminal. I call it a developer’s Grimoire.Dec 26, 2020Dec 26, 2020
Binding: Call, Apply, and Bind in JavaScriptLets keep it simple so that you will not have to search again the difference among these methods.Mar 31, 2019Mar 31, 2019
Pub/Sub vs Observer, which one to use?Pub/Sub (Publish and Subscribe) and Observer, both are design patterns and they solve quite a few problems when it comes to communication…Mar 12, 20191Mar 12, 20191
Barcode and QR code layout for react-native camera 📷The only missing UI piece of barcode and QR code scanning in react-native is finally here :)Feb 28, 20194Feb 28, 20194